Missouri accident injury lawyer Chris Faiella, author of Policy of Denial (Sutton Hart 2015) and managing partner of Missouri serious injury and insurance bad faith law firm Gump & Faiella, LLC, will address Missouri’s brightest at Mensa’s 2015 St. Louis SLAM Conference March 7 at 1:00 PM at the Bridgeton Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center.
St. Louis Mensa event attendees, with membership requiring a top 2% IQ, will learn about the insurance industry’s dark side, where the zany characters and cute lizards of insurance television advertising conceal an outrageous truth that is the focus of Chris Faiella’s book Policy of Denial: insurance companies are increasing profits by delaying claims, reducing claim payments for any reason or none, denying legitimate claims, and otherwise “slithering past liability.”
Policyholders and families are often left devastated in the wake of this shocking conduct. Regulators are outgunned and outspent leaving outraged policyholders out in the cold.
“It’s an honor to present our findings of the insurance industry’s institutionalized evil to Missouri’s leading Mensans and to suggest a new paradigm where insurance companies honor promises” said Faiella. The battle-hardened trial lawyer, a veteran of many multi-million dollar successes in lawsuits against insurance companies, will share how to make better decisions as consumers and how to fight back when insurance giants go to the dark side; empowering and potentially lifesaving information.
Mensa is an international society with the sole qualification for membership standardized testing results in the top two percent of the population. Mensa is a nonprofit that conducts research in psychology and social science, identifies and fosters human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, and serves as a means for stimulating intellectual and social contact among its members. SLAM is the St. Louis Area Mensa chapter of American Mensa.
Chris is a Missouri-based serious injury lawyer who sues insurance companies for victims and families that relied on broken promises to pay medical bills, defend lawsuits, and otherwise to their detriment. Chris’ new book Policy of Denial gives a behind the scenes look at a rapacious insurance industry gone dark side. Chris is nationally known for multi-million dollar successes in complex lawsuits against powerful insurance companies.
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