Personal Flotation Device Injury Claim

A PFD or personal flotation device is very important when going out on the water. It may just seem like it is for those who cannot swim, but PFDs could be the difference between life and death, even for the strongest swimmers.

Three out of four people do not wear a PFD when in or around the water. On average, more than 80% of people in boating accidents died from drowning, but most could have lived if a PFD had been worn.

An average of 1,000 people die every year due to drowning in a boating accident, and 90% are not wearing a PFD.

PFDs are regulated and approved by the US Coast Guard, and if the device is damaged or too old to operate properly, then it is illegal to wear. There also must be one life vest or PFD for every person aboard a boat, plus an additional throwable PFD.

Not only is wearing a personal flotation device or life vest essential to preventing drowning, but being aware of others is a key factor. Nine out of ten drownings occur inland, within a few feet of safety, and on boats of 20 feet or less. Disregarding safety of others while boating or other water activities is irresponsible and can cost someone their life.

It takes an adult about 60 seconds to drown; it takes a child about 20 seconds. Neglecting to wear a personal flotation device or life vest could mean death by drowning.

Injuries can result from ignorance on the part of a boat operator. Those who are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of passengers should be prepared when operating a vessel and have all safety measures covered. Making sure passengers have personal flotation devices and that the PFDs meet US Coast Guard regulation is their responsibility.

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury or death from a boat operator neglecting to provide a personal flotation device or the PFD failed, you have the right to seek legal counsel.  We handle cases throught Missouri including Mid-Missouri, St. Louis,  Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia. We make house calls and are happy to meet with you in your home.  For a free consultation, or to schedule an appointment call 1-888-262-2718 or fill out our contact form.


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